We cordially invite you to the »Auf in die Welt« fair in the KANThall. Visit us on 01.03.2025 from 10am - 4pm to discover a wide range of information on topics such as exchange programmes, high schools, boarding schools, international schools, gap years, language trips, au pairs, demi pairs, voluntary services, internships, work & travel or a year abroad.

The event is an excellent opportunity for students, parents and teachers to obtain detailed information about stays abroad worldwide during and after school as well as funding opportunities and scholarships.

As an initiative of the non-profit foundation »Deutsche Stiftung Völkerverständigung«, the fair includes an exhibition of leading exchange organisations, agencies, international educational institutions and advisory services.

Admission is free for all visitors.

Saturday, 01.03.2025, 10am – 4pm
Körnerstraße 49
12157 Berlin

We are looking forward to your visit!

For more information on the topic of stays abroad, please visit the foundation’s website