Admissions Process

First things first

If you believe your child will benefit from the educational programme at B.I.S. and you are ready to apply, then please visit our admissions platform and fill out the application form to get the admissions process started. We do not charge an application fee.
There are a number or required documents that need uploading at the initial application stage for all candidates: copies of the last 2-3 report cards (if applicable) and a copy of your child’s birth certificate.
After you submit the form, signed by both parents/guardians (or proof of sole custody) our Admissions Officer, Ms. Melanie Sommer-Joest, will confirm the receipt of your application and will guide you through the process.

Admissions Process

What's next?

  • You submitted your application through our admissions website.
  • Your child is placed on the list of applicants
  • Families will be asked via the child's admissions profile on OpenApply to check and complete new checklist items (for example: request Student Reference Form, uploading proof of Measles vaccination)
  • Based on availability of spaces (online) entrance tests and interviews are carried out for applicants for Grade 6 upwards; trial days are carried out for Grades 1-5 applicants, if they help with the admissions decision and if the applicants are in town
  • A place is offered
  • The place is accepted
  • A school contract is issued for signing

Admissions Process

What else?

Basically, school fees correspond to an annual fee that can be conveniently divided into twelve monthly instalments. For a school year, payments are to be made from August of one year up to and including July of the following year. The school fees include the costs for school attendance, warm lunches and all-day care.

In the school year 2024/2025, annual school fees amount to EUR 11,880.00 for Grades 1-6, EUR 12,720.00 for Grades 7-10 and EUR 17,400.00 for grades 11 and 12 (IBDP), resulting in monthly instalments of EUR 990.00 respectively EUR 1,050.00 or EUR 1,450.00. A one-time admission fee of EUR 800.00 is payable upon conclusion of the contract.

Furthermore, there is an annual charge for “resource fees” at the beginning of each school year as follows

Grades 1-5       –  € 100,00
Grades 6-8      –  € 150,00
Grades 9-10    –  € 200,00

Additional costs may arise in the context of After School Activities, excursions, school trips and external exams.

Yes, there are, e.g. for siblings who are also students at B.I.S. Corresponding additional agreements are issued by the Admissions Office when the contract is concluded. Low-income families can also apply for income-related school fees. The application form plus complete and reliable evidence of family income should be sent to the Management Office. For further inquiries on income-related school fees please contact the management at